■ 副校長簡介
現 職:弘光科技大學 副校長
電話號碼:04-26318652 ext 1115
■ 學歷
美國紐澤西理工學院 化學工程研究所 博士
美國紐澤西理工學院 環境科學研究所 碩士
■ 學術專長
■ 經歷
弘光科技大學 營養系特聘教授兼副校長 (2024.02.01~迄今)
弘光科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系特聘教授兼副校長 (2023.07.01~2024.01.31)
弘光科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系特聘教授兼行政副校長 (2017.01.31~2020.06.30)
弘光科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系特聘教授兼代理校長 (2016.07.01~2017.01.31)
弘光科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系特聘教授兼行政副校長 (2014.07.01~2016.06.30)
弘光科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系教授兼任教務長 (2009.08~2014.06)
弘光科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系教授兼任研發長 (2006.02~2009.05)
弘光科技大學 環境工程系(所)教授兼任系主任 (2006.02~2007.06)
弘光科技大學 環境工程系(所)副教授 (1995.08~2006.01)
Emission Reduction Res. Ctr. 綠色合成科技實驗室博士後研究員 (1993.07~1995.04)
Hazardour Sub. Manag.& Res.Ctr. 高等氧化(AOP)反應實驗室研究助理 (1988.12~1993.06)
新光合纖股份有限有公司 中壢廠製棉廠製程工程師 (1985.07~1988.07)
■ 專書
1.蘇弘毅,范煥榮張明琴,陳志成固體廢棄物分析及實驗手冊,高立圖書有限公司,ISBN 978-986-412-618-7,2008。
2.呂牧蓁,蘇弘毅,蘇光偉,溫志中,林文海等譯(P. Singal原著),噪音污染與控制策略,鼎茂圖書有限公司,2006。
3.蘇弘毅編譯,有害廢棄物處理(Haas and Vamos原著),高立圖書有限公司,2003。
10.Shu, H.Y., C.R. Huang, and M.C. Chang,“Application of Advanced Oxidation Process to the Degradation of Azo Dyes in Water by UV/H2O2 System”, I&EC Special Symposium, Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management VI,D.W. Tedder and F.G. PohlangEd., American Academic of Environmental Engr. Pub., Chapter 17, pp.263-275, 1996.
■ 期刊論文
1.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Huang, S.-. 2016, “Decolorization and mineralization of azo dye Acid Blue 113 by the UV/Oxone process and optimization of operating parameters”, Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 57, no. 17, pp. 7951-7962.
2.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Liu, J.-. 2016, “Cation resin fixed-bed column for the recovery of valuable THAM reagent from the wastewater”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection.
3.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Liu, J.-. 2016, “Reductive decolorization of acid blue 113 azo dye by nanoscale zero-valent iron and iron-based bimetallic particles”, Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 57, no. 17, pp. 7963-7975.
4.Shu, H.-., Huang, S.-. & Tsai, M.-. 2016, “Comparative study of acid blue 113 wastewater degradation and mineralization by UV/persulfate and UV/Oxone processes”, Desalination and Water Treatment, , pp. 1-14.
5.Jegatheesan, J.V., Ahmad, W.A., Kim, D., Shu, L. & Shu, H.-. 2015, “Special section on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, CESE-2014: 12-16 Oct., Persada Johor International Convention Centre, Johor Bahru, Malaysia”, Bioresource technology, vol. 190, pp. 429-430.
6.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Hsu, H.-. 2015, “Activated carbon supported iron-nickel bimetallic nanoparticles for decolorization of Reactive Black 5 wastewater”, Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 54, no. 4-5, pp. 1184-1193.
7.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Huang, S.-. 2015, “UV irradiation catalyzed persulfate advanced oxidation process for decolorization of Acid Blue 113 wastewater”, Desalination and Water Treatment, vol. 54, no. 4-5, pp. 1013-1021.
8.Chang, M.-., Shu, H.-., Tseng, T.-. & Hsu, H.-. 2013, “Supported zinc oxide photocatalyst for decolorization and mineralization of orange G dye wastewater under UV365 irradiation”, International Journal of Photoenergy, vol. 2013.
9.Chang, M.-., Huang, C.-., Shu, H.-. & Chang, Y.-. 2012, “A new photocatalytic system using steel mesh and cold cathode fluorescent light for the decolorization of azo dye orange G”, International Journal of Photoenergy, vol. 2012.
10.Negroni, A., Zanaroli, G., Vignola, M., Fava, F. & Shu, H.-. 2012, “Reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by means of nanoscale zero-valent nickel-iron (NZVNI) particles”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 1733-1739.
11.Zanaroli, G., Negroni, A., Vignola, M., Nuzzo, A., Shu, H.-. & Fava, F. 2012, “Enhancement of microbial reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in a marine sediment by nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) particles”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, vol. 87, no. 9, pp. 1246-1253.
12.Chang, M.-., Shu, H.-., Chang, C.-. & Chen, W.-. 2010, “Using wasted basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag for decolorization of diazo dye acid black 24 wastewater”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1118-1124.
13.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-., Chen, C.-. & Chen, P.-. 2010, “Using resin supported nano zero-valent iron particles for decoloration of Acid Blue 113 azo dye solution”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 184, no. 1-3, pp. 499-505.
14.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Chang, C.-. 2009, “Integration of nanosized zero-valent iron particles addition with UV/H2O2 process for purification of azo dye Acid Black 24 solution”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 167, no. 1-3, pp. 1178-1184.
15.Chang, M.-., Shu, H.-., Hsieh, W.-. & Wang, M.-. 2007, “Remediation of soil contaminated with pyrene using ground nanoscale zero-valent iron”, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 221-227.
16Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-., Yu, H.-. & Chen, W.-. 2007, “Reduction of an azo dye Acid Black 24 solution using synthesized nanoscale zerovalent iron particles”, Journal of colloid and interface science, vol. 314, no. 1, pp. 89-97.
17.Chang, M.-., Shu, H.-. & Yu, H.-. 2006, “An integrated technique using zero-valent iron and UV/H2O2 sequential process for complete decolorization and mineralization of C.I. Acid Black 24 wastewater”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 138, no. 3, pp. 574-581.
18.Chang, M.-., Shu, H.-., Yu, H.-. & Sung, Y.-. 2006, “Reductive decolourization and total organic carbon reduction of the diazo dye CI Acid Black 24 by zero-valent iron powder”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, vol. 81, no. 7, pp. 1259-1266.
19.Fan, H.-., Shu, H.-. & Tajima, K. 2006, “Decolorization of acid black 24 by the FeGAC/H2O2 process”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 128, no. 2-3, pp. 192-200.
20.Fan, H.-., Shu, H.-., Yang, H.-. & Chen, W.-. 2006, “Characteristics of landfill leachates in central Taiwan”, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 361, no. 1-3, pp. 25-37.
21.Shu, H.-. 2006, “Degradation of dyehouse effluent containing C.I. Direct Blue 199 by processes of ozonation, UV/H2O2 and in sequence of ozonation with UV/H2O2”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 133, no. 1-3, pp. 92-98.
22.Shu, H.-. & Chang, M.-. 2006, “Development of a rate expression for predicting decolorization of C.I. Acid Black 1 in a UV/H2O2 process”, Dyes and Pigments, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 31-37.
23.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Hsieh, W.-. 2006, “Remedy of dye manufacturing process effluent by UV/H2O 2 process”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 128, no. 1, pp. 60-66.
24.Shu, H.-., Fan, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Hsieh, W.-. 2006, “Treatment of MSW landfill leachate by a thin gap annular UV/H 2O2 photoreactor with multi-UV lamps”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 129, no. 1-3, pp. 73-79.
25.Shu, H.-. & Hsieh, W.-. 2006, “Treatment of dye manufacturing plant effluent using an annular UV/H2O2 reactor with multi-UV lamps”, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 379-386.
26.Shu, H.-., Lu, H.-., Fan, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Chen, J.-. 2006, “Prediction for energy content of Taiwan municipal solid waste using multilayer perceptron neural networks”, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 852-858.
27.Chang, M.-., Shu, H.-., Hsieh, W.-. & Wang, M.-. 2005, “Using nanoscale zero-valent iron for the remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated soil”, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1200-1207.
28.Shu, H.-. 2005, “Two-phase production of cyclohexene and cyclooctene oxides in water as an approach to pollution prevention”, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 273-280.
29.Shu, H.-. & Chang, M.-. 2005, “Decolorization and mineralization of a phthalocyanine dye C.I. Direct Blue 199 using UV/H2O2 process”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 125, no. 1-3, pp. 96-101.
30.Shu, H.-. & Chang, M.-. 2005, “Decolorization effects of six azo dyes by O3, UV/O3 and UV/H2O2 processes”, Dyes and Pigments, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 25-31.
31.Shu, H.-. & Chang, M.-. 2005, “Pilot scale annular plug flow photoreactor by UV/H2O2 for the decolorization of azo dye wastewater”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 125, no. 1-3, pp. 244-251.
32.Shu, H.-. & Chang, M.-. 2005, “Pre-ozonation coupled with UV/H2O2 process for the decolorization and mineralization of cotton dyeing effluent and synthesized C.I. Direct Black 22 wastewater”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 121, no. 1-3, pp. 127-133.
33.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Fan, H.-. 2005, “Effects of gap size and UV dosage on decolorization of C.I. Acid Blue 113 wastewater in the UV/H2O2 process”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 118, no. 1-3, pp. 205-211.
34.Shu, H.-., Chang, M.-. & Fan, H.-. 2004, “Decolorization of azo dye acid black 1 by the UV/H2O2 process and optimization of operating parameters”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 113, no. 1-3, pp. 201-208.
35.Chien, Y.-., Ton, S., Lee, M.-., Chia, T., Shu, H.-. & Wu, Y.-. 2003, “Assessment of occupational health hazards in scrap-tire shredding facilities”, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 309, no. 1-3, pp. 35-46.
36.Chang, M.-., Huang, C.-. & Shu, H.-. 2000, “Effects of surfactants on extraction of phenanthrene in spiked sand”, Chemosphere, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1295-1300.
37.Armenante, P.M., Shu, H.-., Huang, C.R., Kung, C.-. & Kafkewitz, D. 1995, “Kinetics of the sequential dechlorination of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by an anaerobic microbial population”, Biotechnology Letters, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 663-668.
38.Huang, C.-. & Shu, H.-. 1995, “The reaction kinetics, decomposition pathways and intermediate formations of phenol in ozonation, UV O3 and UV H2O2 processes”, Journal of hazardous materials, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 47-64.
39.Shu, H.-. & Huang, C.-. 1995, “Degradation of commercial azo dyes in water using ozonation and UV enhanced ozonation process”, Chemosphere, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 3813-3825.
40.Shu, H.-., Perlmutter, H.D. & Shaw, H. 1995, “Application of a droplet column type two-phase reactor for the epoxidation of cyclooctene in water as an alternative solvent”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 3761-3765.
41.Huang, C.R., Lin, Y.K. & Shu, H.Y. 1994, “Wastewater decolorization and TOC-reduction by sequential treatment”, American Dyestuff Reporter, vol. 83, no. 10, pp. 15-17.
42.Shu, H.-., Huang, C.-. & Chang, M.-. 1994, “Decolorization of mono-azo dyes in wastewater by advanced oxidation process: A case study of acid red 1 and acid yellow 23”, Chemosphere, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 2597-2607.
■ 專利