Section of Administration Affairs - Hungkuang University
Hungkuang University

Section of Administration Affairs


Name  Tsai-Hsiu Kao/ 高采秀
  1. Assisting President and vice presidents.
  2. Managing official seals and supervising the usage
  3. Assisting the Committee Board affairs
  4. Reviewing Match Fund spending and EDI application
  5. Supervising the Office’s budget from University fund
  6. Administration assistance to affiliated preschools.
Telephone number  04-26318652#1138
Fax  04-26310744
Job title  Division Director
Substitute Staff Hsu, Ching-Chung、Lai, Hsiu-Tzu


Name KO,NI-CHEN/柯霓蓁
  1. Assisting President with itinerary and various business
  2. Organizing monthly administration meetings and minutes taking and filing.
  3. Record, examine, and organize school affairs  development plan meetings.
  4. Processing of and replying to opinions upon school affairs
  5. Managing President’s public email box and Secretariat Office’s representative email box
  6. Annual report compilation planning and execution.
  7. Establishment and maintenance of the school information open section.
  8. Supervising and managing part-timers.
Telephone number  04-26318652#1110
Fax  04-26310744
Job title Clerk
Substitute Staff Shu-E Lin


Name  Hsin-Ni Lin / 林欣霓

On furlough till July 2022

Telephone number  04-26318652#1127
Fax  04-26310744
Job title  Senior Clerk
Substitute Staff  Shu-E Lin



Name  Shu-E Lin/ 林淑娥
  1. Assisting vice president Wang with itinerary and assignments;
  2. Assisting vice president Hu with itinerary and various business
  3. Assisting Director Paul Lin of Operation & Marketing Center Director Lin and Consultant Lin
  4. Assisting Committee Board
  5. Reviewing contracts and agreements
  6. Coordinating University anniversary celebration events
  7. Managing gifts, flower delivery, moon cake packages, and celebration & funeral notes to stakeholders
  8. Managing the Office’s cash flow, budget, and assets
  9. Coordinating semi-annual management-level administrators’ advancement workshops
Telephone number  04-26318652#1134
Fax  04-26310744
Job title  Senior Clerk
Substitute Staff KO,NI-CHEN



Name  Hsiu-Tzu Lai/ 賴秀慈
  1. Bank check issuing
  2. Assisting vice president Chang with itinerary and various business
  3. Assisting the Section head with assigned tasks
  4. Managing the Section and Internal Audit Unit webpages
  5. Personal data control & risk assessment and internal audit project
  6. Internal document management (including internal control committee)
  7. Sampling inspection on controlled documents, charts and inward documents
  8. Maintaining the operation and effectiveness of ISO system
  9. Webpages inspection
  10. Auditing self-evaluation charts on “Campus Intellectual Property Action Plan”
Telephone number  04-26318652#1137
Job title  Senior Clerk
Substitute Staff Tsai-Hsiu Kao